PRF is an injectable that uses a patient’s own blood to help treat facial imperfections.

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Microneedling (PRF) works on the principle of "breaking it to make it better". By creating micro-injuries to the skin, the body triggers a natural healing process that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. This process addresses various skin concerns, resulting in a rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

In addition to promoting collagen and elastin production, microneedling also enhances the absorption of skincare products. By creating micro-channels in the skin, the treatment allows topical products to penetrate deeper into the skin, maximizing their effectiveness. This can lead to even greater improvements in the appearance and texture of the skin. Whether you are looking to address fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, or hyperpigmentation, microneedling can be a highly effective and minimally invasive solution. Consult with a skincare professional to determine if microneedling is right for you.

Treatment areas

  • PRP/PRF Hair Restoration
  • PRF Under Eye Treatment
  • PRF EZ Gel • Microneedling with PRF


How does PRF work?

Microneedling involves the use of tiny needles that create micro-injuries on the skin at specific depths. These micro-injuries trigger a healing response from the skin, causing an increase in collagen and elastin production to repair the skin. As we age, our skin gradually loses collagen and elastin, resulting in signs of aging on the face. Microneedling can help reverse this process by stimulating the production of these essential components, resulting in firmer, younger-looking, and healthier skin. Scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of microneedling in rejuvenating the skin and promoting natural collagen and elastin synthesis.

Does microneedling hurt?

Microneedling typically involves some degree of discomfort, but the level of pain experienced can vary depending on the individual's pain tolerance and the depth of the microneedling treatment. During the procedure, a numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area to minimize any pain or discomfort. Additionally, microneedling devices with smaller needles tend to be less painful than those with longer needles. Following the procedure, you may experience some redness, swelling, or tenderness on the treated area for a few days, but these side effects are usually mild and resolve quickly. Overall, while microneedling may cause some discomfort, the benefits of the treatment often outweigh any temporary discomfort experienced during the procedure.

Does PRF work?

Studies have revealed that microneedling promotes an increase in various types of collagen in the skin, immediately beneath the outermost layer of skin, called the epidermis. This heightened collagen production can result in a more youthful-looking complexion and may reduce the appearance of skin concerns such as acne, fine lines and wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. By stimulating collagen production, microneedling can help rejuvenate the skin, improving its overall appearance and texture.

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